- ThisIsReal.Us
- Authors
- Mindy Gonzalez

Mindy Gonzalez
As she’s embarked upon her own spiritual path, Mindy has found the most encouragement from beautiful souls who have had the wisdom and intellectual talents to write and speak beautifully about the paths and ideas that help us. Of course, she has favorites, but who could choose just one when you’re picking from Ram Dass, Michael Singer, Karen Armstrong, Alan Watts, Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, Brian Muraresku, Graham Hancock, Michael Pollan, Yuval Harari, Laura Lynn Jackson, Michael Newton and so so many more. She has always been drawn to deeply researching ideas and seeking to understand them from several different perspectives. For over 25 years, she’s found community online when feeling like an outsider culturally, intellectually, and spiritually. She thanks the internet for giving her truly safe spaces in which to evolve her self-concept and worldview and for being a place where any thread that sparks her interest can be followed as deeply as her soul desires. The spirit and beautiful experiences of her own journey and a caring community are what she is committed to cultivating in the Bodhicitta Book Club. Mindy feels a deep connection to animals and shares her life with her husband, their five children, three dogs, a cat, two pigeons, and nine chickens. She also volunteers at a wildlife rescue and loves that chance to work with so many types of animals. She recently started blogging about her spiritual journey at https://mindygz.wixsite.com/flowoflove